“Mind-blowing. You provide information that you simply cannot get from video scouting or BATS.”
MLB Advance Scout

Free up one-third of your scouting staff’s time and enable them to focus more on the game. With Scoutable ® reports from AriBall, your staff receives full coverage of EVERY game and EVERY pitch, including over 720,000 pitches in the Majors alone.

The scouts we have spoken to are not only receptive to this, they seem to love it – as one stated, “this allows me to look away from the pitcher and my papers and focus on the game itself!” The reports are presented in the same language and formats that many scouts and organizations use today.

For the first time, you truly have the power to pinpoint exactly how a player is struggling:

  • What does today’s umpire strike zone actually look like?
  • What’s changed over the last few weeks across all players such as which pitchers are changing their pitch selection or which batters have adjusted their swings?
  • Thoroughly determine the starter’s game plan: how he mixes pitches and speed and location, his delivery mechanics, his strengths, weaknesses, and habits.

AriBall provides teams with Major and Minor League talent evaluation that fills crucial information gaps beyond video scouting, advance scouting, and professional scouting.

What do we provide uniquely

What's different
Email us to schedule a demo or discuss further.